Find below my top 5 tips as a Freelance producer and previous in house creative lead...
1. Delegate Tasks
Increasing the size of the team will mean no individual feels strained, distracted and unable to execute their role to the best of their ability.
I have seen campaigns perform better when there is a full experienced team of muas, hair stylists, set designers, lighting assistants, stylists and a reasonable budget. Cutting corners usually costs you in the long run.
2. Know Your Target Audience
Do you have multiple target audiences' who dress, look and behave differently? Don't try to merge them together. Urban Outfitters and Dolls Kill do this brilliantly with their grid home page layout.
3. Hire Foreward Thinking Creatives
It is so important to stay on top of trends, photographers, art directors, publications. A great creative lead will notice trends before they surface and before other commercial brands jump on the trend. More importantly being able to differentiate high quality and low quality output and having an eye for perfection and detail is extremely rare and undervalued. This will set you apart from your competitors.
4. Allow Yourself To Experience Life
Alot of inspiration and industry knowledge comes from exploring. Networking, speaking to people and surveying different shoot locations.
5. Work On Your People Skills
I think one of the most underestimated points would be to be a team player. To have the ability to make your team and the models feel comfortbale.
Lets Chat > Get in touch via email: maheenmalikcreative@gmail.com 💌
Cover Photo Taken By: Fareez Hafiz at Kuic Studios for Inside Out